Thursday, February 26, 2009

Using evil to do His will, remaining pure

Calvin's Institutes - I.18 - God uses the work of the ungodly, bending their minds to carry out His judgments, yet remains pure from every stain

Section 1 - No mere permission!
He decrees and "commands the execution" of what will happen.
Job 1:21; 1 Kings 22:22; Acts 4:28; 2:23; 3:18; 2 Sam 12:12; 16:22; Jer 7:14; 50:25; 2 Sam 16:10-11; 1 Kings 11:31; 1 Sam 2:34.

Section 2 - How does God's impulse come to pass in men?
He controls the hearts of men (Prov 21:1; Ezek 7:26; Lev 26:36; 1 Sam 26:12; Isa 29:14; Isa 29:10; Rom 1:20-24, 28; Ex 14:17; Ex 4:21; Josh 11:20; Ps 105:25; 1 Sam 16:14; 2 Cor 4:4; 2 Thess 2:11; Ezek 14:9).

Section 3 - God's will is a unity
It doesn't contradict itself.
Ps 50:6; Job 1:21; 1 Sam 2:25; Ps 115:3; Isa 45:7; Amos 3:6; Deut 19:5; Acts 4:28; Eph 3:9-10.

Section 4 - Even when God uses the deeds of the godless for His purposes, He does not suffer reproach.
"His will is different from His precept."
The determined that Jesus die on the cross, but Judas himself decided to betray Him. The sam event had two causes.
If this troubles you, consider that you are refusing clear Scriptural proof because you can't understand it by reason.

End of book one: knowledge of God the Creator

Does God "repent"?

Calvin's Institutes - I.17 - Applying Providence
Sections 12-14 - Answer to objections
Section 12 - On God's "repentance"
He appears to change His plan.
Gen 6:6; 1 Sam 15:11; Jer 18:8; Jon 3:4, 10; Isa 38:1, 5.
God's "change of mind is to be taken figuratively."
1 Sam 15:29; Num 23:19.

Section 13 - This makes allowance for our understanding
His anger doesn't mean He is emotional; He is exercising judgment.
His repentance doesn't mean change of His plan, but of His actions.

Section 14 - God firmly executes His plan
God's decree wasn't to destroy Nineveh, but to warn and change it.
He rebukes us with a warning He has not decreed, to spark our change.
Gen 20:3, 7; Isa 14:27.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Special care toward us

Calvin's Institutes - I.17 - Applying Providence
Sections 6-11 - the happiness of recognizing providence
Section 6 - Providence as solace for believers
Ps 55:2; 1 Pet 5:7; Ps 91:1; Zech 2:8; Gen 15:1; Jer 1:18; 15:20; Isa 49:15, 25; Ps 91:12.
God deliberates over every particular for each of us.
Matt 10:29-31.
"God has chosen the church to be His dwelling place."

Section 7 - God's providence in prosperity
God can frustrate the wicked to our advantage
Ex 3:21; 1 Kings 22:22; 12:10, 15; 2 Sam 17:7, 14; Job 1:12.
Only God's blessing can make something/one prosper.
So we can be grateful when things go well, patient in adversity, and free from worry.

Section 8 - Certainty of providence helps us in adversity
Joseph, Job and David were each comforted by looking to God in their trials.
Gen 45:5-8; 50:20; Job 1:21; 2 Sam 16:11; Ps 39:9.
"When we are unjustly wounded by men, let us overlook their wickedness... and learn... that whatever our enemy has wickedly committed against us was permitted and sent by God's just dispensation."
Eph 6:11-12; Deut 28:2, 15; Lev 26:23-24; Lam 3:38; Amos 3:6; Isa 45:7.

Section 9 - No disregard of intermediate causes!
The godly will thank the earthly minister of God's blessing for that blessing, besides thanking God from whom it ultimately came. When faced with a setback, the godly will impute any fault to himself and also take it as a lesson from the Lord.
Joab did this - 2 Sam 10:12: "We will stand fast for our people and the cities of our God; but let the Lord do what is good in His eyes."

Section 10 - without certainty of providence life would be unbearable
Our lives are in danger everywhere, all the time.
We would reproach God if we thought He left us open to all this by blind fortune.

Section 11 - certainty of providence brings joyous trust in God
We are relieved of every worry to know God holds all things in His power.
Ps 91:3-6; 118:6; 56:4; 27:1, 3; 22:4; 56:5; 71:14; 31:15; Isa 7:4; Ezek 29:4.
God restrains Satan from harming us.
Satan may hinder us (1 Thess 2:18), but only with God's permission (1 Cor 16:7).
"Ignorance of providence is the ultimate of all miseries;
the highest blessedness lies in the knowledge of it."

Using evil instruments to do good

Calvin's Institutes - I.17 - Applying Providence
Section 4 - God's providence does not excuse us from due prudence
If God provides earthly means to preserve and protect ourselves, we should use them.
God provides and orders events using means, which He also determines.

Section 5 - God's providence does not exculpate our wickedness
Some abuse this doctrine, saying the wicked shouldn't be punished when they sin, for they did what God ordained to happen. But they are not doing God's will.
They can't blame God for their sin, or call their sin "justice" just because it happened.
A corpse rots in the sun, but we don't blame the sun for the stench.
[Such vivid illustrations! Calvin's own!]

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God was the instigator?

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 17 - Applying Providence to our greatest benefit
Sections 1-5 - Providence in past and future
Section 1 - The meaning of God's ways
God's will is the cause of all things, for His glory, and for our good and sanctification.
Ps 40:5; John 9:3

Section 2 - God's rule will be observed with respect!
Some only grant God is just in what their reason can understand that He does.
God's will is a deep abyss (Ps 36:6), yet also close and familiar (Deut 30:11-14).
He has a will hidden from us, beyond what is in Scripture.
Rom 11:33-34; Job 20:3; Isa 11:2; Ps 119:105; Job 26:14; 28:21, 28.
Deut 29:29 sums this up: "The secret things belong to Yahweh our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever."

Section 3 - God's providence does not relieve us from responsibility
Pagans blamed their sins on God.
We cannot neglect the means God uses to bring about His will.
Sin is still sin.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Height of God's Providence

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 16 - God by His power nourishes and maintains the world created by Him, and rules its several parts by His providence
Section 8 - Providence is no Stoic belief in fate!
Talk of fate suppresses the truth that God wills all things.

Section 9 - The true causes of events are hidden to us
Future events appear uncertain to us, but aren't to God (Job 14:5).
We may speak of our uncertainty as "fate."
Ecc 2:14-15; 3:19; 9:2-3, 11; 1 Sam 6:9.
But remember everything is from the hand of God.
John 19:33, 36.

Specific providence

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 16 - God by His power nourishes and maintains the world created by Him, and rules its several parts by His providence
Sections 5-7 - Doctrine of special providence supported by the evidence of Scripture
Section 5 - God's providence also directs the individual
If He if only a "First mover," there wouldn't be room for His "fatherly favor."
He shows favor or rebuke in prosperity or famine.
Lev 26:3-4, 19; Deut 11:13-14; 28:12, 22; Ps 147:9; 113:5-6.

Section 6 - God's providence especially relates to men
It's absurd to think we can act without God. He directs our steps and choices.
Jer 10:23; Prov 20:24; 16:1, 9.
Even accidental deaths are from God's hand - Ex 21:13.
So are dice, or lots, cast - Prov 16:33.
He lifts up and humbles - Prov 29:13; Ps 75:6-7.

Section 7 - God's providence also regulates "natural" occurrences
Like the wind that brought Israel birds in the desert (Ex 16:13; Num 11:31), puts Jonah in a storm (Jon 1:4). Ps 104:3-4; 107:25, 29; Amos 4:9.
Like giving life in the womb: Ps 127:3; Gen 30:2.
Like giving daily bread: Deut 8:3; Matt 4:4; Isa 3:1; Matt 6:11; Ps 136.25.
Ps 34:15-16.

After Creation, Providence

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 16 - God by His power nourishes and maintains the world created by Him, and rules its several parts by His providence
Sections 1-4 - God's special providence asserted, against the opinions of philosophers
Section 1 - Creation and providence inseparably joined.
We can't understand what "Creator" means without knowing His providence.
God doesn't just "keep things in motion," impersonally, as pagans think.
He sustains and nourishes all things with Fatherly care.
Matt 10:29; Ps 33:6, 13. Especially Ps 104:27-30.

Section 2 -There is no such thing as fortune or chance
Rather, "all events are governed by God's secret plan." Matt 10:30.
He proves this by creating plants before the sun (Gen 1:3, 11, 14).
And by having the sun stand still or go back (Josh 10:13; 2 Kings 20:11).
The world doesn't run on its own; God "governs its course."

Section 3 - God's providence governs all
Not just generally, but He determines each particular.
Ps 115:3; 8:2.
God protects us; we are not to fear signs of heaven (astrology) - Jer 10:2.

Section 4 - The nature of providence
Extends to God's hands, not just His eyes. Not just foreknowledge.
He brings all things to pass by His power and determination.
John 5:17; Acts 17:28; Heb 1:3.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Solely by his own will

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 15 - Of Human Nature, the Soul, Image of God, Free Will
Sections 6-8 - Opinions of the philosophers on the soul criticized in view of the fall of Adam
Section 6 - The soul and its faculties
Only Plato saw the soul's immortality and spirituality rightly.
(It doesn't just animate the body.)
Our soul gives a sense of virtue, an aspiration to happiness in God.

Section 7 - Understanding and will as truly fundamental
These two make up the soul.
The understanding governs; the will executes.

Section 8 - Free choice and Adam's responsibility
Adam fell "solely by his own will."
His choice was free to obey or disobey, though he was designed to obey.
He had to pervert himself to disobey.
He was free to choose the good, but had not the will to do it.

Full splendor in heaven - God's image in man

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 15 - Of Human Nature, the Soul, Image of God, Free Will
Sections 1-4 - Man's nature deformed; yet his soul bears, though almost obliterated, the image of God
Section 4 - Discern the true nature of God's image from its renewal through Christ
Since our image was ruined in the Fall, we can only tell what it is supposed to be by our restoration in Christ. 1 Cor 15:45; Col 3:10; Eph 4:24. Believers continue to reflect God's image, and it will be complete when we see Him face to face (2 Cor 3:18).

Section 5 - Manichaean error of the soul's emanation
Servetus brings back this error, that our soul is of God's essence.
This would make God inconstant, like man's soul obviously is.
Gen 2:7; Acts 17:28; Ecc 12:7.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Flesh Panting for Every Subterfuge

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 15 - Of Human Nature, the Soul, Image of God, Free Will
Sections 1-4 - Man's nature deformed; yet his soul bears, though almost obliterated, the image of God
Section 1 - Man proceeded spotless from God's hand; therefore he may not shift the blame for his sins to the Creator
We have to know both what we were like before sin, and what we are like in sin (after the Fall).
If we blame our faults on nature, not ourselves, we are blaming God.
Our pride is curbed, in that we are of clay (Gen 2:7; 18:27; Job 4:19); yet God has given us an "immortal spirit," so we glory in God's generosity.

Section 2 - Diversity of body and soul
The soul is an immortal yet created essence.
Ecc 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59.
The conscience is a sure sign of its existence.
As is mental activity and dreaming while sleeping.
Were the soul not an essence on its own, these verses wouldn't make sense: Job 4:19; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Pet 2:25; 1:9; 2:11; Heb 13:17; 2 Cor 1:23; Matt 10:28; Luke 12:5; Heb 12:9; Luke 16:22-3; 2 Cor 5:6, 8; Acts 23:8.

Section 3 - God's image and likeness in man
God's image is primarily spiritual, less so physical.
God's image in man is not physically from Christ's incarnation.
But His likeness extends to all aspects of man.
Image and likeness refer to the same thing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Let us study to love and serve Him with all our heart

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 20-22 - The spiritual lessons of Creation
Section 20 - Greatness and abundance of Creation
His creation is a theater of His glory.
He made it all delightful and good, by His Word and Spirit, out of nothing.
Genesis 1-2.

Section 21 - How should we view God's works?
With grateful and thoughtful remembrance of His power.
He fixed the stars in their place and sets the planets spinning.
There are zillions of examples we could go on and on about.

Section 22 - The contemplation of God's goodness in His creation will lead us to thankfulness and trust.
God made all things for us (Gen 1:28; 9:2), taking six days to do so (Gen 1:31) before we were even born.
He is a kind and providing Father; "we are indeed His children."

Satan's real but reigned-in power

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 13-19 - The devils in the purposes of God
Section 18 - Assurance of victory!
Devils fight us but won't defeat believers.
Eph 4:27; 2 Cor 12:7; 2 Sam 24:1; 2 Tim 2:25-26
Jesus' victory ensures this; as His Kingdom grows, Satan's shrinks.
Gen 3:15; Rom 16:20; John 14:30; Luke 10:18; 11:21-22; Heb 2:14.
God gives unbelievers over to Satan's sway.
2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8-10.

Section 19 - Devils are not thoughts, but actualities
These verses would make no sense if devils weren't real beings:
Jude 6, 9; Matt 12:43; Job 1:6; 2:1; Matt 8:29; 25:41; 2 Pet 2:4.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 3-12 - Creation and functions of angels
Section 8 - Hierarchy, number and form of the angels
We can't determine detailed hierarchy from Scripture.
Michael is archangel (Dan 12:1; Jude 9; Dan 10:21),
and only Gabriel is otherwise named (Dan 8:16; Luke 1:19, 26).
There are many legions (Matt 26:53), many myriads (Dan 7:10).
Multitudes encamp round about (2 Kings 6:17; Ps 34:7).
Plenty are ready to help; leave it at that!

Section 9 - The angels are not mere ideas, but actuality
Angels are real - Heb 1:14; Acts 23:8; Rev 5:11.
The law given by angels - Acts 7:53; Gal 3:19.
Other verses that assume their reality:
Matt 22:30; 24:36; 25:31; 1 Tim 5:21; Heb 1:4; 2:5, 16; 12:22.

Section 10 - Divine Glory does not belong to angels
Every good thing comes not from angels, but from God.
Don't degrade Christ's glory by giving it to angels.
Col 1:16, 20; Rev 19:10; 22:8-9

Section 11 - God makes use of the angels, not for his own sake, but for ours
God uses angels to "comfort our weakness." in trouble.
Elisha's servant's faith was bolstered by seeing the angels (2 Kings 6:17).

Section 12 - The angels must not divert us from directing our gaze to the Lord alone
This would miss the whole point of the angels' ministry!
Angels went up and down Jacob's ladder TO God (Gen 28:12), ON Christ (John 1:51).
Abraham's servant doesn't ask the angel promised to go with him for help, but God (Gen 24:7, 12).
We do not divide our trust between God and His angels.

On Guardian Angels

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 3-12 - Creation and functions of angels
Section 6 - Angels as protectors and helpers of believers
Psalm 91:11-12; 34:7; Gen 16:9; 24:7; 48:16; Ex 14.19; 23.20.
Judges 2:1; 6:11; 13:3-20.
Matt 4:11; Luke 22:43; Matt 28:5, 7; Luke 24:5; Acts 1:10.
2 Kings 19:35; Isa 37:36.

Section 7 - Guardian angels?
There are specific angels over kingdoms and provinces-Dan 10:13, 20; 12:1.
Over children, too -Matt 18:10; but not necessarily over individuals.
All the angels look upon and help men - Luke 15:7; Luke 16:22; 2 Kings 6:17.
Whether we have a perpetual individual angel assigned to us,
or whether there are good and bad angels on each of our shoulders,
we don't have to know.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Higher than our eyes can reach

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 3-12 - Creation and functions of angels
Section 3 - God is Lord over all!
God doesn't mention angels in Genesis 1-2, "accommodating Himself to the rudeness of the common folk."
Some attribute divinity to angels, being overwhelmed with their pre-eminent nature.
If there is an equally powerful devil opposed to the good God, God's glory and sovereignty and omnipotence would be destroyed.
Sin is the corruption of nature; there is no substance inherently evil in itself.
The Nicene Creed says God created all things visible and invisible, to lift our minds higher than our eyes can reach.
We aren't told a lot about angels, because it does little to edify us.

Section 4 - don't speculate about angels; look to Scripture
Angels are God's servants, ministers, thus created by Him (Ps 103:20-21).
Speculation about what day they were created is empty, useless talk.
Theologians must strengthen the conscience with profitable truth, not entertain with chatter.
Paul did not describe what he saw when caught up to the 3rd heaven (2 Cor 12:2, 4).

Section 5 - Designation of angels in Scripture
Ps 103:20 calls them God's servants. They are His messengers.
Luke 2:13 calls them hosts, "as bodyguards surround their prince."
Daniel 7:10 describes 10,000 times 10,000 angels around God's throne.
Eph 1:21 and Col 1:16 refers to them (principality, power, etc).
They administer God's authority in the earth.
Scripture also calls them gods (Ps 138:1; 82:1) 
for they "exhibit His divinity to us."
This isn't out of order, as it also calls noble men gods (Ps 82:6; John 10:34).
The "angel of God" often apears to be Christ (Gen 18:1; 32:2, 28; Josh 5:14; Judges 6:14; 13:10, 22).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let Us Pen Up Our Minds

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 14 - Even in Creation Scripture distinguishes the True God from false gods
Sections 1-2 - Creation of the world and of man
Section 1 - We cannot and should not go behind God's act of creation in our speculation
God gives us a history of creation to bolster our faith in the true God.
Knowing the age of the world (not yet 6000 years) leads us to wonder more at God's eternity.
Scripture helps our blindness of spirit like spectacles help our blindness of eye.
We should accept God's secret purposes and will, rather than question His timing in creation; else we wrong God.
We have enough to study in 6000 years of earth history;
we don't need to speculate out into space or back before time.

Section 2 - The work of 6 days shows God's goodness toward men
God took 6 days to create the world, not one moment.
The sabbath teaches us to subject our reason to quiet.
He provides for man like a father, preparing all good things before bringing him into the world.
All 3 Persons are involved in creation.

Zealous for the edification of the church

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 21-29 - Refutation of anti-Trinitarian heresies
Section 25 - The divine nature is common to all three Persons
If only the Father had deity inherently, the Son and Spirit would not really be God.

Section 26 - The subordination of the incarnate Word to the Father is no counterevidence
The Son is equal in power and glory with the Father (John 17:3).
The Son did not lose that glory while on earth (Phil 2:7), but it was hidden.
In that hiddenness, the Father was greater than the Son (John 14:28).
Jesus is everlasting (Heb 1:10), thus is as much God as the Father is.
John 1:1; 1 John 5:20.

Section 27 - Our adversaries falsely apeal to Irenaeus
They take him out of context when he says the Father is the God of Israel. He was not asserting that Jesus is not as much God; he was keeping the God of OT and of NT the same God.

Section 28 - The appeal to Tertullian also is of no avail
His wording is tricky, but he opposes the idea that Christ can't be God without being the same as the Father.

Section 29 - All acknowledged doctors of the church confirm the doctrine of the Trinity
When Justin, Ignatius or Augustine teach that unity or eternity is in the Father, they do not mean to deny that the Son is inherently God.

Undue speculation is a root cause of Trinitarian error.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On Certain Frenzied Persons - Refuting Trinitarian Error

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 21-29 - Refutation of anti-Trinitarian heresies
Section 21 - The ground of all heresy: a warning to all
Satan has stirred up trouble over the Trinity for a long time.
We aren't an able witness to God's nature; 
we don't even know what the sun is made of!
Come to the Trinity "with teachableness, not with subtlety."
Let Scripture rule, not your mind's curiosity.

Section 22 - Servetus' contention against the Trinity
Servetus says the persons are just visible expressions of God.
John 1:1 (Word with God) and John 17:5 (Son's glory with Father's) contradict this.

Section 23 - The Son is God even as the Father
Others say the Son and Spirit get their deity infused from the Father.
They say Son & Father cannot both be God, for the Son is Son of God.
But the God Isaiah saw (Isa 6) was Christ (John 12:41).
The God who swore by Himself (Isa 45:23) was Christ (Rom 14:11).
The God who "founded heaven and earth" (Ps 102:25) was Christ (Heb 1:10).
The God the angels adore (Ps 97:7) was Christ (Heb 1:6).
The Son has being in Himself.
The Spirit comes from the Christ and the Father (Rom 8:9), so how can the essence of God come only from the Father, as they say?

Section 24 - The name "God" in Scripture does not refer to the Father alone
Matt 19:17 (no one is good but God) proves Jesus is God, for Jesus was good.
"Whatever is of God is also attributed to Christ."
1 Tim 1:17; Rom 16:27; Rom 3:4; Ex 20:3=Phil 2:10
Jesus was equal to God before His Incarnation (Phil 2:6-7).
The Father does not deify the Son; the Son was there uncreated from the beginning (Gen 1:26).

Not Wandering through Evanescent Speculations

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator
Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Section 16-20 - Distinction and unity of the three Persons
Section 18 - Difference of Father, Son and Spirit
We have to be careful using human pictures here.
The Father is the source of activity.
The Son is the wisdom and order of activity.
The Spirit is the power of activity.
The Father begets the Son, eternally.
The Spirit proceeds from both Father and Son.
Romans 8:9, 11 proves the last truth.
Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ are the same.

Section 19 - Relationship of Father, Son and Spirit
The Father is not the Son.
The Father is in the Son; the Son is in the Father (John 14:10).
Each Person is God with respect to Himself, and Father, Son, or Spirit with respect to the other Persons.

Section 20 - The Triune God
When we say "God" we refer to all three Persons, not to any one in relation to the other Persons.
Jesus is not another God than the Father.
Yahweh corresponds to Christ, since the apostles substitute Lord for Yahweh (2 Cor 12:8-9; Joel 2:32=Acts 2:21).
God's essence is spirit (John 4:24).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gazing Hither and Thither - Deity of the Spirit

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator

Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 7-13 – The eternal deity of the Son
Section 13 - The divinity of Christ shown by His miracles
Jesus did miracles to prove He was from the Father.
(John 11:41; 5:36; 10:37; 14:11)
Jesus gave others the authority to do miracles.
(Matt 10:8; Mark 3:15; 6:7; Acts 3:6)
He is the light of men (John 1:4).
He tells us to believe Him as we believe God (John 14:1).
"Whoever hopes in Him will not be put to shame"
(Isa 28:16; Rom 10:11; and Isa 11:10; Rom 15:12).
Whoever believes Him has life (Joel 2:32; John 6:47).
The righteous find refuge in His name (Prov 18:10; Acts 7:59).
Colossians 2:9.
Paul assumes we get the same benefits from Jesus that we get from the Father, in his opening greetings in his letters (Rom 17; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; etc.).

Sections 14-15 - Deity of the Spirit
Section 14 - ... shown in His work
Gen 1:2 and Isa 48:16 show the Spirit's source in the Godhead.
He does things only God can do. He regenerates, searches the depths of God (1 Cor 2:10), has no counselor (Rom 11:34), gives the ability to speak (1 Cor 12:10; Ex 4:11), sanctifies (1 Cor 6:11), gives gifts to men (12:11, 4).

Section 15 - Express testimonies for the deity of the Spirit
Since the Spirit lives in us, we must be God's temple, Paul says.
(1 Cor 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor 6:16).
In lying to the Spirit Ananias lied to God, Peter says (Acts 5:3-4).
Paul equates the Spirit with God in Acts 28:25, referring to Isa 6:9.
2 Peter 1:21 and Isa 63:10 also support this.

Section 16-20 - Distinction and unity of the three Persons
Sections 16 - Oneness
Eph 4:5 shows God's oneness.
Believing with one faith in 3 Persons (Matt 28:19) is believing One God.
Also Isa 11:2; 1 Cor 12:11

Section 17 - Threeness
There is a distinction of persons, but not a division of essence.
John 5:32; 8:16; John 1:3, 18; Heb 11:3; John 17:5; 15:26; 14:16.

Dogs Bark Out - proving Jesus is God

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator

Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 7-13 – The eternal deity of the Son
Section 8 – The eternity of the Word
False teachers undermine Christ’s deity by saying He was begotten at the beginning of creation.
The Word has always been begotten, and does not change – James 1:17
Jesus was in glory before the world was – John 17:5

Section 9 – The deity of Christ in the Old Testament
Psalm 45:6 – Scripture does not give an eternal throne to any creature, yet gives it to the King (Messiah).
Isaiah 9:6 calls Him everlasting Father
Jeremiah 23:6 gives the Messiah Yahweh’s name.

Section 10 - the "Angel of the Eternal God"
The Angel who appears to Manoah's wife, Samson's mother (Judges 6:11ff; 7:5, 9) was Yahweh Himself. This was God's Word, fulfilling the role of Mediator as a foretaste in the OT. They saw God face to face, as did Jacob (Gen 32:30).
Christ was the rock that led Israel in the wilderness (1 Cor 10:4).
Zechariah 2:3, 9 is another example of the angel as GodHimself. And Isa 25:9.
In Malachi 3:1, the Messenger of the covenant comes to HIS temple. This is Jesus.

Section 11 - Divinity of Christ in the NT: witness of the Apostles
Isaiah 8:14 says Yahweh will be a stone of stumbling;
Paul declares this fulfilled in Christ (Rom 9:32).
Christ has a judgment seat (Rom 14:10).
Every knee will bow to Him (Rom 14:11; Isa 45:23).
He ascended on high (Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8).
Isaiah saw Christ's glory (Isa 6; John 12:41).
The Psalmist worships the Son (Ps 102:25) according to Heb 1:10:
"You, Yahweh, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth."
Same with Ps 97:7, in Heb 1:6: "adore Him, all you His angels."
John 1:1, 14; 2 Cor 5:10; Rom 9:51 Tim 3:16; Phil 2:6-7.
1 John 5:20 is especially clear.
Acts 20:28: "God has purchased the church by His blood."
John 20:28: "my Lord and my God."

Section 12 - Divinity of Christ shown in His works
Jesus works with His Father (John 5:17), calls God His Father (John 5:18), and governs the universe (Heb 1:3).
He forgave sins (Matt 9:6) as only God can (Isa 43:25).
He could read men's thoughts (Matt 9:4; John 2:25), as only God can.

Not such a stickler - words to describe the Trinity

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator

The blog titles (not such a stickler) are direct quotes from Calvin...

Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 1-6 - Terms used for the Trinity
Section 5 – Limits and necessity of theological terms
The great teachers – Hilary, Augustine, Jerome, etc. - use such terms as essence and hypostasis differently, aware of the dangers of the terms, yet putting them forward.

Section 6 – The meaning of the most important conception
Person means subsistence, not essence. There is something in each person that is incommunicable to the others.
John 1:1 – “Word was with God” would not make sense with each person as “essence.”

Sections 7-13 – The eternal deity of the Son
Section 7 – The deity of the Word
The ancient prophets spoke by the Spirit of Christ - 1 Pet 1:10-11; 2 Pet 1:21
The worlds were made through Him -Heb 1:3; Prov 8:22ff
“My Father and I have been working” – John 5:17
“And the Word was God” – John 1:1

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our slight capacity

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator

Chapter 13 - One essence of God, which contains Three Persons
Sections 1-6 - Trinitarian terms used by the early church fathers
Section 1 God's nature is immeasurable and spiritual
The Manichees made evil equal with God, denying His infinity.
Others imagine a coporeal God, denying His spiritual nature.
God speaks sparingly of His essence, "to keep us sober."
We can't measure God by our own senses or mind.
In speaking of His own arm, hand, etc., God speaks with a "lisp,"
to accommodate our "slight capacity" to understand Him.

Section 2 - The three "Persons" in God
God reveals Himself in 3 persons so He will "be contemplated clearly."
The word hypostasis (person) comes from Hebrews 1:3.
It can't mean essence, since God's essence is indivisible.
The preceding phrase in Heb 1:3, "the brightness of His glory"
shows the 2 separate persons of Father and Son.

Section 3 - The expressions "Trinity" and "Person" aid the interpretation of Scripture and are therefore admissible
Some object that these terms aren't in Scripture
But the words help explain what is in Scripture.
The objection is valid to a point, as outside words can lead to undue speculation.
But using them sparingly, with Scripture staying the rule, is safe and beneficial.

Section 4 - Such terms are needed to unmask false teachers
They "cloak their errors in layers of verbiage."

A Needless Mass of Inanities

Calvin's Institutes
Book 1 - Knowledge of God the Creator

Chapter 12 - How God is to be so distinguished from idols that perfect honor may be given to Him alone
Section 1 - True religion binds us to God as the one and only God
Knowing God is more than speculation, it involves honoring Him, too.
Holding fast to His direction is the essence of religion. Exodus 20:5
This keeps men from descending into a superstitious "mass of inanities."
We can't just give God most glory; we must give glory only to Him.
Jews, pagans, and now the Church with her saints, have failed in this.

Section 2 - A distinction without a difference
They try to allow prayer to saints with this distinction:
We serve (doulia) saints; we honor (latria) only God.
But Scripture often blurs these two words.

Section 3 - Honoring images is dishonor to God
The Galatians served (doulia) idols before their conversion.
Did that make it okay? (Gal 4:8)
It is fine to bow to men in the civil realm, as an act of honor.
But it is not okay to bow to men or angels in the spiritual realm.
Rev 19:10; 22:8-9. Acts 10:25
This is because it detracts from giving God all glory.